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SolitaryMarmot t1_j0uza1l wrote

Nurses start at about $100k in these hospitals. They can go get a job reviewing bills for an insurance company and make 30%-50% more while working from home and not blowing rotator cuffs and discs moving patients around. Which is what a lot of them are doing. Which is why nurses in hospitals have 4 ICU patients instead of 2 and patients were and are still dying due to short staffing.


allMightyMostHigh t1_j0uzjca wrote

So would they be happy if they hired more people cut hours and paid less because the job was now less stressful?


SolitaryMarmot t1_j0v8sad wrote

They would be happy to get same salary and health benefits as they are now with inflation and if the hospital staffed to the plan they submitted to the state Dept of Health.

No one wants a pay cut. What a stupid question.