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Duchock t1_iz7fx5t wrote

Absolutely this. International Relations 101.

Edit: yes, it sucks sometimes that the consequences are often at the determent of locals, but it's a tradeoff. This particular example is not even a drop in the bucket for local impact, but something like housing owned as investment properties or tax shelters by foreigners which has no chance of serving the purpose of being housing is a bigger one.


hotel_air_freshener t1_iz7ozv6 wrote

Yeah it just sucks that when I look at these gleaming safe deposit box towers, destroying yet another cultural institution, the lights are never on at night. They should be taxed if vacant/unused.


Isawthebeets t1_iz7u5mp wrote

Would you rather it midtown instead of say in Brooklyn or Queens?


hotel_air_freshener t1_iz8hhuw wrote

I’d rather it be taxed or more affordability priced for residents of NY regardless of what borough it’s in.


threerocks3rox t1_iz95hns wrote

if Saudi investments keeps our risk of nuclear annihilation lower, I’ll deal with two Starbucks on every corner. I’m still going to bitch about it though.