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t1_j1kys62 wrote

>I just can’t imagine someone looking at the schedule and deciding to hire two people.

Well I just can't imagine someone expecting to fly on Christmas Eve and it be a good time. I think it's safe to say that almost every individual you run into for the whole trip does not want to be doing what they're doing. Of course it's not gonna be awesome.


t1_j1li7ri wrote

I don't think its a JFK problem but a general America problem. Compared to other countries I feel like airports here are horribly managed, sloppy, and no one wants to work at them. So you get this half assed experience and folks just want to power trip.


t1_j1kwfk4 wrote

Even getting to air trains from some of the terminals is a headache by itself...

Awful experience for locals and tourists unfortunately.. 😔


t1_j1l4hj1 wrote

But you did fly to NYC and land. My sister who lives elsewhere just spent the whole day at the airport and had her flight canceled as well as the 2nd and 3rd options.

You do realize that today was 20 to 30 degrees colder than yesterday, right? And that we had rainstorms the last 2 days. And that we know what happens to water when it's 15 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, try customs in Europe in the summer. Shit can hit 4 hours sometimes.


t1_j1lgwie wrote

Nobody wants to work anymore……………

…………for sh*t wages


t1_j1lnaiq wrote

Flies on Christmas Eve.

Complains about crowds and staff shortages


t1_j1ljn6f wrote

by the standards of major airports in developed countries, JFK is pretty bad, possibly actually the worst one, and it comes as a shock if you're expecting the same standard as elsewhere in the rich world. however there are a range of reasons for this and you just have to accept them because it's very unlikely to change any time soon.

waiting an hour or two after a long flight totally sucks, there's not really a way around it, you're not expecting it and you're knackered, it's the worst. acceptance of the situation really is the best way in this situation if you can do it. podcasts are good (if you still have any battery left after a long flight, which somehow i never seem to have).


t1_j1l3whw wrote

The only way to get through international travel anywhere is to lower your expectations. You just flew miraculously ~10 hours across an ocean during the biggest travel season of the year, on Christmas Eve, and your complaining that you have to spend a few extra hours in customs?

No offense but count your blessings, 70 years ago this trip would’ve taken you weeks, and 20 years ago you wouldn’t have had the whole world at your fingertips to pass the time while you wait.


t1_j1lo57r wrote

Those people you want to work all night so that you get home to your family sooner are also humans with families.


t1_j1lszht wrote

Dude wants ppl to work on Christmas eve, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM FLYING ON CHRISTMAS EVE.


t1_j1ljcda wrote

Terminal 1 parking is out. So i park at other terminals that the jfk sign suggested. I go there and the airtram doesn't go to terminal 1. Who fuck up on killing both parking and airtram station!


t1_j1lrmzd wrote

Been in NY state 6 months and to JFK 3 times since. What a nightmare of an Airport. I can’t imagine traveling today


t1_j1lz2u7 wrote

What shit hole where you returning from that they didn't have CBP on the exiting side? The US spends so much parking itself all over the world for a reason.


t1_j1m6bb3 wrote

What a racist and xenophobic comment.

CBP on the exiting side is available in a grand total of like 5 countries so idk why you're acting like it's some popular thing.


t1_j1m0xaw wrote

You are responsible. Don’t travel on holidays! Dont you think these officers would rather be at home spending XMas eve with their families? Anyone who frequently travels around major holidays knows to budget more time and just deal with the consequences. Like that Seinfeld episode maybe those officers should go to your job and criticize you!


t1_j1m2i9w wrote

you need to be humbled—you are clearly incredibly entitled


t1_j1m5z8v wrote

It's the holidays (less flights, I'm a flight nerd, I was watching the arrivals online yesterday), it's cold as fuck so people probably called out, maybe the time you came in played a part?

I've done three international arrivals at JFK this year (approximately 3pm, 1pm and 5am) and it's all gone smoothly for me.

Also, get global entry


t1_j1m7xmj wrote

This is literally a rant (he or she even says so) and rule 11 says no rants. Why is this even up? Mods sleeping for 12 hours