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bsanchey t1_izgatx0 wrote

I work at DOB. Any construction job requires a plan examiner to make sure it’s built to code. Their were over 70 openings for that position last time I checked. HPD was gutted of people who over see affordable housing construction. The answer is no.


chargeorge t1_izgbl33 wrote

Sigh. From the outside it looks the same as DOT, which had big ambitions but dropped the ball due to insufficient staff


bsanchey t1_izgdsji wrote

They got burnt out during the pandemic. A plan examiner makes 65k starting but has to have a masters and years of experience. They have degrees in architecture. The salary can’t compete with the private sector of even other cities.

The ones who left got burnt out. During COVID the commissioner had to be reminded of overtime rules because plan examination was being overworked. The return to office was the last straw.


oreosfly t1_izhq115 wrote

So a city that taxes us so far up the ass crack that it implements its own 3+% local income tax cannot compete with other municipalities in terms of salaries for its employees? The fuck are our tax dollars paying for then?

I swear if there was one reason to live outside city lines, it’s so that I don’t have to send an additional $8000 a year in local taxes alone to the morons who run this town


bsanchey t1_izigg38 wrote

You have an 11 billion dollar police force that gets unlimited overtime. That’s what you get


CactusBoyScout OP t1_izgcp6l wrote

You mean redesigning the same bike lane 3 times in 5 years isn’t a sign of efficiency?!


Bungabunga10 t1_izh0kio wrote

Welcome to approved list of private “third party inspection” firms


IdealGuest t1_izhfe21 wrote

I want to downvote this so bad but you’re probably right.


mowotlarx t1_izjcy6b wrote

That's the Adams plan. Cull government staff --> announce major plan requiring well staffed office with appropriate budget --> point to the city being unable to accomplish lofty goal --> move it into the hands of private companies and consultants