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Sullyville t1_j1cn955 wrote

The fact that this is even allowed means that they are all morally bankrupt, deserving of naming and shaming, and should be booted from office and banned from ever holding any kind of government position for the rest of their lives.

Best city in the world? This city should fuck itself.


69Jew420 t1_j1cni0l wrote

So who exactly should decide how much they get paid?


potatomato33 t1_j1com73 wrote

Median pay in their district (or the state of you want it to be even across the board). They can all fuck off otherwise. This is the only way they'll try to improve our lives.


69Jew420 t1_j1cp0hs wrote

So you think that politicians in poor districts should make less money? And you think this will somehow magically create improvement in these districts?

This might be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.


Griever114 t1_j1d0zwr wrote

Politicians should be paid MINIMUM WAGE as they are supposed to be representing OUR FUCKING INTERESTS.

You can't say you represent your district when you live in a brownstone and have a chauffeur


PiffityPoffity t1_j1d1wxl wrote

Who would want the job? The only people who would run would be people who don’t need the salary at all. Look at New Hampshire’s legislature (lowest paid in the country). It’s filled with retirees and wealthy people.


ifiwereaplatypus t1_j1d1b9k wrote

I don’t think having a salary of $160,000 would allow you to have a brownstone and a chauffeur in New York.