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t1_izlyip9 wrote

For additional lols go to r/10s and search pickleball


t1_izlr8yc wrote

Don't understand why people would get angry over goofy adults having some fun. I guess my opinion on things is if it ain't hurting others than have at it.


t1_izluls3 wrote

Ahhh though if you read the article and others complaints it does seem to be hurting people. Namely people who don’t want to play the game or lose the court that was already allocated for there game.

So in this case anger is appropriate.


t1_izm4w8k wrote

I mean the article is literally all about how the adult pickle ballers are using up all of the children’s playground. No one condemning goofy adults


t1_izlulll wrote

It sounds to me the upset is due losing their limited play spaces.