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iRedditAlreadyyy t1_izp9dqe wrote

You were required for the last like 60+ years to get a vaccine before attending ANY school in the United States. Any of them. You also are required to get vaccinated to fly to other countries.

You guys have just pissed and moaned about COVID and its just a total self own every time.

Imagine crying about masks while you’re legally required to wear pants and a seatbelt in public or in a car. Like bro, go live in the woods if the basics of society are too much of a burden


[deleted] t1_izpa219 wrote



iRedditAlreadyyy t1_izpbiaw wrote

You’re required to show proof of age to order a drink inside a restaurant in the United States. You’re required to show you’re wearing pants in any restaurant as public nudity is illegal.

Again, you’re gurgling on about basic rules of society. And the appearance of a historical pandemic in which MILLIONS have died, caused us to shift something’s around to navigate this pandemic (similar to how previous pandemics in the United States also required masks and vaccinations).

You’re just pissed by the inconvenience.


sysyphusishappy t1_izqdfkg wrote

Adults are not required to show "proof of age" to walk into a restaurant or a museum are they? Since when are lockdowns and forcing people to take drugs they don't want and show papers normal outside or China?


iRedditAlreadyyy t1_izqskab wrote

Since when are lockdowns a thing? Bro. They have mandatory evacuations for natural disasters and mandatory curfews during times of civil unrest. Are you suggesting the government doesn’t have the authority to do these things? Lmfao.


[deleted] t1_izqkkof wrote

This isn't the first vaccine required to go to school, lol. Wake up you sheep.