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rainzer t1_j1c7cl1 wrote

And you wonder why people can't take progressives seriously. It's creepy to call out a proven pathological liar a liar because he says he's gay? Fuck outta here


koalafly t1_j1cchm9 wrote

Who cares if he’s gay or not? Everything else alleged is 1000x more meaningful and malicious.


rainzer t1_j1eimtw wrote

If you don't care or think it matters, then why do you care if anyone asks if it's the 1359th lie on his list of lies?


Shame_On_Matt t1_j1cmdt6 wrote

I don’t give a flying fuck what you think of me or progressives. I honestly welcome being sidelined by a crowd who is preoccupying themselves with who is and isn’t gay. This is truly disgusting behavior. Look at what you’re defending. It’s despicable.


rainzer t1_j1e0b6n wrote

What am I defending?

np for this conversation I am a gay black gangbanger with a kid that didn't get into Stuy because of asians and jews so I should be allowed to kill those old ladies np. You can't question me cause that'd be fuckin creepy. Why so creepy man