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mission17 OP t1_j1i8wtf wrote

I think you should refresh yourself on some gay history and how outing politicians who voted for anti-LGBTQ legislation was critical for the Queer rights movement:

In this case the idea is the same. Hold your Representatives who have power over your human rights accountable to honesty.

If a politician wants to use their sexuality to justify an anti-LGBTQ agenda, they can be very much held to account to answer questions about it. I still don’t understand why your indifference to asking politicians difficult questions should preclude anybody else from doing so.


Shame_On_Matt t1_j1ixvia wrote

this is no way shape or form related to outing anti gay politicians. That was absolutely necessary.

Maybe you should form the legion of gays to start authorizing who is and isn’t gay since you’re obviously the authority.


mission17 OP t1_j1j4m5i wrote

> this is no way shape or form related to outing anti gay politicians

If you say so, then it must totally be true.