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lightinvestor t1_j0byu1v wrote

It's interesting that suburbs are worse across the board even compared to places in the middle of nowhere where you have to drive 30 minutes to go to the supermarket.


FedishSwish OP t1_j0bzldb wrote

I think that's because income has a pretty large impact on how the climate impact was calculated. You have to be wealthier to live in the suburbs than to live in rural areas, which means you likely buy more stuff, travel more, etc.


Die-Nacht t1_j0djvbd wrote

The suburbs is the worst of both world: the amenities of the city but spread out over a larger area, increasing the number of resources each person consumes.

Rural, by comparison, doesn't have the same amount of amenities. So overall, they consume much, much less.

This report also looks at things like, how many flights the person takes. A suburbanite will take a lot more than a rural person.


Die-Nacht t1_j0djvxt wrote

The suburbs is the worst of both world: the amenities of the city but spread out over a larger area, increasing the number of resources each person consumes.

Rural, by comparison, doesn't have the same amount of amenities. So overall, they consume much, much less.

This report also looks at things like, how many flights the person takes. A suburbanite will take a lot more than a rural person.