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mikey-likes_it t1_j0igad1 wrote

i feel safer


sdotmills t1_j0kvalj wrote

IDK, I’ve heard a few anecdotes of people getting way too messed up on some bodega weed products bc they had no clue how high the THC content actually was.

Nobody is going to die from being too high but who knows what kind of shit is in these products. If you have a reliable spot that you bought from before that’s fine, but I’m not going to be walking into any of these spots anytime soon.


mikey-likes_it t1_j0meb5m wrote

That's fair.

I would never purchase weed from a bodega just because who knows if that that is actually weed in the first place - would rather not turn into a face eating zombie


DirtySkell t1_j0uyzmv wrote

I'm not in a position to have done testing on any of these products so this is mostly conjecture; however I have a lot of patients that do K2 so I'm aware of how it makes people. That being said, a lot of these dodgy edibles and joints people buy seem to be made using K2 based on how people on them act and that shit makes people crazy.

Also the state cares about the tax revenue, illegal untaxed weed is still not allowed.