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epicxownage t1_j0hxflt wrote

With the news of the law banning the sale of puppies etc in shops, how would this logic not also apply there? Just curious about the broader applications, I do not have a horse in this race


freeradicalx t1_j0ihlms wrote

Puppy mills don't grease Albany with lots of lobbying money the way that animal ag does.


DadBodofanAmerican t1_j0lxdjy wrote

Also people don't rely on puppies for food. Cruelty in how we treat pets is a lot different from how we secure the food chain.


Lost_sidhe t1_j0i7osb wrote

I'd guess (and that's all it is) that if it's a city only ban, then the state has set precedent to overturn it on similar grounds.


uncle_troy_fall_97 t1_j0ihqtn wrote

The selling-puppies-in-pet-shops ban is a state law, signed by the governor after some changes were made (like having it take effect in 2024 rather than immediately, for instance). So it is not analogous to this.


epicxownage t1_j0iblx4 wrote

Kinda what I was thinking. But, I’m not a lawyer and I don’t care enough to look into it deeper than this surface level question lol