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AceContinuum t1_j0j0b60 wrote

>I constantly see so many people on the trains, public spaces just coughing and sneezing openly without covering their mouths+noses. You would think everyone learned a thing or two after almost 3yrs of a global pandemic but it seems some just either forgot or just don’t care.

Yes, it's ridiculous and it frankly really pisses me off. If you're coughing your lungs out, you should not be on transit, and if you "have" to be on transit for whatever personal justification you've made, the least you could do is wear a fracking mask and, if not, at least cover your coughs and sneezes!

But instead, I see so many jerks just sneezing and coughing their lungs out into the open air on trains and buses. Including well-dressed white-collar professionals who could almost certainly WFH.

Even aside from these jerks, it's crazy (to me) how few people mask up on transit. I don't care whether you believe in COVID conspiracy theories - why would you want to breathe in someone else's cold, flu, RSV germs?? Like do people actually enjoy getting sick, or are people actually so ignorant that they don't realize breathing in someone else's cough droplets is going to infect them?


AnacharsisIV t1_j0mxhcp wrote

Do you wanna pay my rent if I don't show up for work?


myassholealt t1_j0nbs72 wrote

>f you "have" to be on transit for whatever personal justification you've made, the least you could do is wear a fracking mask and, if not, at least cover your coughs and sneezes!

Do you lose your job if you do any of these too?


AnacharsisIV t1_j0nd5z4 wrote

I'm not on public transit because of a personal decision I made. I'm on oublic transit because of the cumulative decisions made by the people who created the American system of capitalism and wage slavery (in theory). Don't get mad at the pawns.


myassholealt t1_j0ndfgo wrote

Once again, since you ignored it in the original OP comment and in my comment, do you lose your job if you wear a mask and/or cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze when on the train?


[deleted] t1_j0q5qws wrote

Did you miss the part about wearing a mask?


ejpusa t1_j0jzrvx wrote

>why would you want to breathe in someone else's cold, flu, RSV germs

That's how you develop immunity to these diseases, especially in a very densely populated area. No exposure, no immunity. Or else cities, with millions of residents coughing, sneezing, packed in like sardines, in un/ventilated spaces are not for certain people. You are here, you take your chances. You will be 100% exposed to an Omicron variant, 100% as long as you reside in NYC. Just have to accept that and deal with it.

For everyone I know, Omicron, a light flu for 1-3 days if that. I have zero Covid worries. I'm not ready to live in a bubble. I'll take my chances. My immune system rocks. I'm in the middle of almost 8 million people, it is what it is.

China is going to crumble. What living in a bubble will do to your immune system.


AceContinuum t1_j0k3g6j wrote

Humans do not develop lasting immunity to the viruses that cause the common cold, so, personally, I'd rather get the cold less frequently than more frequently.

But if you enjoy getting the cold as frequently as possible, by all means move closer to the next person you see sneezing and coughing their lungs out on the subway.

It is just totally weird to me that we now have folks arguing in favor of getting the cold. I remember it used to be no one was in favor of getting sick. Folks: you can believe whatever you want about COVID without coming out in favor of repeatedly catching the cold and the flu. You know better than that.