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neodymiumPUSSYmagnet t1_j0j1u4d wrote

Crybaby developer is gonna earn less in rent than is necessary to cover property taxes to own the libs lol


spicytoastaficionado t1_j0mshng wrote

The developer owns a luxury real estate firm, so in all likelihood revenue from a truck dept in Harlem isn't even a rounding error in his overall portfolio.

On the flipside, a predominantly-Black Harlem neighborhood is going to have to deal with more noise, more pollution, and more traffic, to "own the rich".

And that isn't my assessment. It is what Harlem-based environmental justice group WE Act has said.

The One45 development would have included 917 units (1/2 affordable housing-- well above city minimum), retail spaces, and even a civil rights museum. The proposal also called for the dev. to finance and build a whole new playground.

Now the neighborhood doesn't get any of that, and instead gets a bunch of traffic and pollution.

Who's "owning" who here?


Shreddersaurusrex t1_j0ueh0x wrote

The museum would have been unnecessary. Schomburg is about 10 blocks south.