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froggythefish t1_j52a38l wrote

Poorly paid??? How is 70k poorly paid? That’s well more than average, and all they need to do is grope people for looking suspicious. Or respond to a welfare check, take some notes, and go back to cruising around town. Or beat up and fine some poor dude for hopping a subway turn style.


ThinVast t1_j539tqc wrote

Here are the facts and sources:

starting salary of NYPD cop 42.5k. starting salary of FDNY $45k. starting salary of sanitation $47k.starting salary of DOE teacher 61k


matzoh_ball t1_j52khsi wrote

NYPD cops start at below 50k. SF cops start at just below 100k. Yes, NYPD are paid shit and we’re getting what we pay for.


LostSomeDreams t1_j534cs8 wrote

Wow their unions suck. The department gets plenty of money, they should be arguing for more of that to go to cops’ homes instead of to their paramilitary armaments and robot dogs. I know they’re unionized…


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52voeo wrote

I dont know what the starting salaries are for cops in 22-23 wasn't there a story about cops going to FL because Florida paid them better and gave bonuses and treated them better. So if they made 70k they would be well off and at least better off. It would depend on how much FL would pay them to relocate?


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52g41k wrote

NYPD DOES NOT MAKE 70K unless they have been there for years. It is the rookie cops and cops 5 years on job they are still low pay.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gip1 wrote

The cops making the big bucks are inside the station or detective in unmarked cars and on special assignments.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gpcb wrote

I remember back in 11 a cop was at a deli who was broke and could not afford the cup of coffee. Someone gave him a buck. He was 2 years on the job he said and he made 29k sad!!!!


OrpheusNYC t1_j52t5cu wrote

Hey that guy lied to you.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52tq95 wrote

Are you a cop?

If you look at the starting salaries it shows it so low? Maybe cops got a raise over the years?


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52tu4p wrote

Suffolk county cops make more and are the highest paid cops


OrpheusNYC t1_j52uo9v wrote

Okay, neat. That guy lied to you.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52urfc wrote

ok your a cop


chale122 t1_j53dkgy wrote

Salaries are posted online because it's a public job, on top of that you can see cops making up to 2-300k per year with overtime


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53h7zj wrote

Those are executives and not representative of rank and file. There’s maybe less than 1000 cops making that income, and that’s only because they’re 6/7 tiers of supervision up. Your average street cop is looking at maybe 130 if he’s getting a shitton of overtime and


OrpheusNYC t1_j52uvsp wrote

No, I’m a teacher, and like cops, our salaries are posted online because we are public servants. That dude lied to you.


Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j53gx8s wrote

While you are correct that cops did make 25k a year starting (just over the poverty line as per their contract so they couldn’t qualify for government aid) those same cops had their contract raised to 45k starting and 85k topped out. That being said, look at the neighboring counties, cops making 100 110 120 even 150 a year before overtime doing half the workload NYPD has. They make a “lot” compared to low income jobs but they’re the low income job next to their peers.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j54tb76 wrote

The part of NYC we left out is Manhattan well you cant do to much lawless there because Manhattan has so much cameras.


malefootlover1 OP t1_j52gsff wrote

10 years of being a cop or more they make 70 or more.


[deleted] t1_j52kxq5 wrote

Starting salary: $42,500 Salary after 5 ½ years: $85,292.

From the gov website


TapesNStuff t1_j52s9rc wrote

That doesn't include the OT they scam undoubtably earn by the sweat of their porky brow.


Darth_JarJar300 t1_j530wmi wrote

OT + Court Pay + Differential if you work nights + awesome health insurance that's cheap as fuck + etc etc etc