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hosswanker t1_j69rhyh wrote

So you wanna get them new parents? Or try to give them tools to cope with the cards they were dealt? This is an absolute brain dead comment


laurasaurus5 t1_j69x9xa wrote

(Obama voice) If you like your parents, you can keep them.


brihamedit t1_j69uy4c wrote

> give them tools to cope

Boomer think. You are mistaking these attempts that appear like solutions to be more effective than they are. If some kid is fked up with deep rooted issues, as in learned all the wrong shit at home, then therapy will be rejected. Will be of no help.


hosswanker t1_j6acvnt wrote

So your alternative is what? The prison system? Just give up? Throw em in the trash? Eugenics?

Also the entire point of intensive therapy is to help out people who are fucked up with deep rooted issues. We should be putting more resources towards these issues, not less. Maybe consider some empathy

Edit: why on earth am I arguing on the internet again


randothrowawayaccnt t1_j6arvos wrote

>Edit: why on earth am I arguing on the internet

Lol, it happens to the best of us. I've attempted to avoid that, as much as possible.

RN, the question for me is, why have I been on Reddit for so many hours??


TheShahofBra t1_j6ah2f6 wrote

You keep accusing others of "Boomer think", but everything you're saying is Boomer think.