Topher1999 t1_j5ymc2b wrote
6 months from now, we will all be outraged about a poverty-stricken mother or father with their faces beat in because they stole bread. Watch.
kasaan110 t1_j5yn45y wrote
Dude this ain’t a movie lol
Topher1999 t1_j5yoc2l wrote
Yeah but it happened with the guy who was trying to use the emergency exit on the subway. I don’t trust Adams.
ChrisFromLongIsland t1_j60n8jn wrote
You don't have to wait 6 months. Reports of a gun. Police investigate everyone runs away and are amazed the police chased them and made l they were treated very suspect due to the initial reports of a gun. Plus apparently someone was punched.
Then the protest due to the young age of the people involved. Though there is a spike in gun deaths around people under 18.
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