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Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bpd04 wrote

No, cause of death was heart failure brought on by intense physical struggle after decades of health neglect. No one forced Garner to be morbidly obese and refuse lawful orders for 12 minutes.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bpozh wrote

You should tell the city medical examiner that:


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bpsc8 wrote

I don’t need to. Manslaughter just means it wasn’t by natural means. And clearly deciding to fight the police isn’t by natural means.


Westiemom666 t1_j6bq0i4 wrote

He died from the officer's compression of his neck. I didn't write out his death certificate, it is what it is. Over and out, blessed be.


Mrmilkymilkster t1_j6bqi63 wrote

After he refused to comply with lawful ordersfor 12 whole minutes. He absolutely did not die from that compression to his neck, he was breathing and talking after that half assed “choke hold” was enacted. There’s an entire video for you to watch. The guy was morbidly obese and decided to fight the cops after being asked nicely for 12 ENTIRE MINUTES TO COMPLY. Unfortunately his heart failed him. No one wanted him to die. It sucked. But he had no reason to not comply with lawful orders for 12 minutes. Sorry dude. God bless.