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manateefourmation t1_j6gt1m7 wrote

Thank you! Exactly. People in NY don’t know how good and how cheap they have it. You have a subway that literally stops every few blocks in Manhattan, is incredibly cheap compared to other systems, is one the most ridden in the world (~ 6.5 million people a day), had the world’s only 24/7 service and is relatively clean and safe.


HelenSpaet t1_j6hstw9 wrote

Yes, Subway is the same. People always saying the Subways in Europe are better drive me nuts. In Paris it's literally a public restroom. I know that happens in NY too but absolutely not the same quantities. There is pickpockers in most subways in Europe, none in NYC. The ones in Europe are so much more expensive, not in NY. - People should compare first before they trash NY things.


manateefourmation t1_j6icxbf wrote

In Tokyo the groping of women is such a problem that they had to introduce women into cars.