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An-Angel_Sent-By-God t1_j3iik73 wrote


mahler9 t1_j3iuzbe wrote

Sounds like they should agree to the striking nurses demands and provide a better work life balance for those nurses. That would improve the care of all patients.


IBesto t1_j3j335x wrote

My gf doesn't get a break in 12 hr shifts or food or water


[deleted] t1_j3jvgtn wrote



IBesto t1_j3jvx7l wrote

Here the mayor came to the strike last year and took selfies and got back in his car and left. No mention or intentions to assist or help anyone but himself


[deleted] t1_j3jem3m wrote



catladyrach t1_j3jh4f9 wrote

Believe it. My partner is an ICU nurse and has worked in at least 4 nyc hospitals over the past decade. He frequently does not get to eat his packed lunch and has days where he didn't get to use the bathroom until the end of his shift. Also that 12.5 hr shift can go over depending on patient demands/timing. The lack of breaks seems consistent across the hospital systems in NYC.


[deleted] t1_j3ji4vz wrote



IBesto t1_j3jjhyf wrote

You have no idea. Mine has panic attacks and cries everytime she has to go in. She's been doing it for 3 years. I wrap her in a gf burrito or let her shower cry.


[deleted] t1_j3jlbmh wrote



Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j3jnzg7 wrote

Why are you replying to him if you don’t care?


[deleted] t1_j3job0q wrote



Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j3jq0vl wrote

Maybe he’s telling you things you don’t care about because he can as well


[deleted] t1_j3jq4fy wrote



Turbulent_Link1738 t1_j3jq7w2 wrote

But you still asked him


[deleted] t1_j3jqf0w wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jrwzp wrote

Why ask, then say you don't care about the answer? Unless you wanted to make a big show about how you don't care, in which case it was performative, and actually quite embarrassing for you as a person.

I think the better question is why does anyone care that you don't care?


Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jk8gn wrote

"It's just too bad you have inhumane work conditions"

Yeah you gonna say that when an overworked, overstressed nurse makes a mistake in your healthcare and you suffer? Loser.


IBesto t1_j3jj8le wrote

Its reality and that's in California where they have ratio ( Means every nurse can't have more than X patients) they get put out of ratio all the time putting their license in danger and the life of patient also. The only one making money because of keeping minimum nurses is the shit FOR PROFIT HOSPITAL. AND THEY ARE BULLIED TO NOT TALK ABOUT IT. HCA is a terrible chain company of hospital look at their stocks and revenue and how many nurses get shit on but can't defend themselves. It's even unionized and the union tells the nurses if you don't like it get a different job.


[deleted] t1_j3jlhah wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jo788 wrote

" do something about it"

And what exactly do you think a strike is Einstein?

"Not my problem."

Yeah I guess it's not. Until you need healthcare I mean.


IBesto t1_j3k2dhd wrote

he said not my problem?! Omfg please


[deleted] t1_j3jop9e wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jp3g9 wrote

Stating facts isn't getting worked up is it lad?

You wanted them to "do something about it", you must have missed the part about "going on strike" (It's okay, I know reading can be hard for your type sometimes)


And you stated it's not your problem, I was just reminding you that at some point in your life you will need healthcare, and then having a decent nurse will very much be your problem. Not worked up at all, just helping a fellow redditor to understand the things they're missing. You're welcome.


[deleted] t1_j3jpxyj wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jrnkg wrote

So what do you think a strike is? Notice you avoided that question twice.


[deleted] t1_j3jsmar wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jsu6g wrote

So you know what a strike is, yet still commented "Do something about it"

So do you know what a strike is?


[deleted] t1_j3jt2l0 wrote

Yes, I know what a strike is but I don’t have to prove it by telling you. Why would I provide a statistic about striking if I didn’t know what a strike was?


Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jtrgo wrote

Posting a statistic isn't telling me what a strike is, first of all. If someone asked what basketball was and you said "50% of the time they score over 75" you didn't actually answer the question.

Now, and I know this is gonna be hard for you, so I need you to really focus here, you stated earlier that the nurses should "Do something about it" and you also claim (Though the jury is still out on this one) that you know what a strike is.

So..... and follow me close here, what do you think the strike is, in relation to the statement "Do something about it"

Also, lets all have a big, collective laugh at the senior on college who's never had a job saying that he "finds is hard to believe" that nurses work 12 hour shifts, and then saying he doesn't care about them.

Maybe when you graduate and get an actual job, perhaps at the end of your first day you'll go "Huh, maybe I should care about workers rights"

As it stands you simply don't have the life experience to really have an informed view on the subject, so perhaps you should step back to your online class and let the adults talk.


[deleted] t1_j3jtu1q wrote

Yeah I’m not reading that wall of text.


Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jtw53 wrote

Do something about it.


[deleted] t1_j3ju3si wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jurth wrote

Because children should listen to adults, be a good little boy now.

So what do you think a strike is, if not "doing something about it"?


[deleted] t1_j3juudv wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jv7n5 wrote

So what do you think a strike is, if not "doing something about it"?

Also, why is an unemployed person who's never had a job, who's literally so out of touch with the reality of work that he "Can't believe nurses work 12 hours" (Like wtf, how sheltered has your life been that you've never heard of a 12 hour shift?) giving their opinion on working matters? It doesn't apply to you kid, it applies to the adults.


[deleted] t1_j3jvhu6 wrote



Royal-Palpitation-72 t1_j3jvl9u wrote

So what do you think a strike is, if not "doing something about it"?

Also, why is an unemployed person who's never had a job, who's literally so out of touch with the reality of work that he "Can't believe nurses work 12 hours" (Like wtf, how sheltered has your life been that you've never heard of a 12 hour shift?) giving their opinion on working matters? It doesn't apply to you kid, it applies to the adults.

EDIT: "Blocked because I don't have an answer"

EDIT2: Dude reported me to the reddits suicide hotline. But he blocked me first. So the dude literally had to log out, log in to an alt account, report me, then log back into his main. Imagine getting this mad over some internet comments.


RChickenMan t1_j3ivpip wrote

Channel this anger you're feeling towards hospital administrators and write them a letter or something demanding that they put an end to the strike by negotiating in good faith with the nurses. You're absolutely right: It's disgusting that hospital administration would put people's health at risk like this.


Jackontana t1_j3jkk16 wrote

Jesus that's fucked.

With how much money hospitals make - how the hell are THEY the sort to be so miserly with staffing.


waxy_cucumber t1_j3lag9y wrote

The hospitals don’t care about these defenseless babies when the nurses are covering more patients than is safe without breaks, but they used their PR team to push these stories out to the media to make the nurses look bad.