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t1_j3jy45j wrote

Please pick one option

  1. Nurses cant strike and must negotiate through other means to get what they want resulting in fewer deaths.

  2. Nurses go on strike, potentially getting what they want, but people die in the process.

Please reply with a 1 or 2. Upon doing so you will have answered the question directly and we can move on.


t1_j3jysfb wrote

Option one won't work because they already did. For over a year now they have been ignored. I've already told you this. You think one is still an option when its not. This is way more than a black and white issue. But you won't listen to me because you want me to answer wour question I already pointed out isn't the right question to ask. Now I answered it and you still asked me the same thing.


t1_j3k01mq wrote

This is the central conflict in our arguement here. It is the arguement that I have been making since I first posted and that you felt the need to reply to. It clearly is the relavant arguement because A. Youre too scared to answer it because if you pick 2 youre condoning those deaths and B. Ny state passed the taylor law so other emergency responders cant let labor disputes intervene during crisis situations where we need emergency responders. These options I am giving you is what this whole thing boils down to and I want to know where you stand so pretty please with sugar on top:

Please pick one option SO WE CAN FREAKING MOVE ON.

  1. Nurses cant strike and must negotiate through other means to get what they want resulting in fewer deaths.

  2. Nurses go on strike, potentially getting what they want, but people die in the process.

Please reply with a 1 or 2. Upon doing so you will have answered the question directly and we can move on.


t1_j3k2oxa wrote

You have successfully made this argument redundant because you have ignored every point I gave to keep asking the same question, which I already answered, then you changed some words around to try to make me change my answer to the one you want. I also addressed the whole death issue too, and I have gave you some counterpoints which could have furthered this discussion, but you are so insistent about ignoring all of them to make me answer it again. I'm obviously pro nurses, pro strike if it means making the hospital safer rather than prolong the dangerous conditions we have right now. PEOPLE WILL PUT IN DEADLY SITUATIONS IN BOTH OPTIONS. How many times have I told you that, since both situations are deadly, and if I had to pick, I would pick the deadly situation that will in return make the dangers go away rather than prolong them. But now you asked me the same question AGAIN and added that option one will cause fewer deaths which is wrong and thrown in there to make me pick the option YOU want me to pick. I told you that, ignored me, then asked it again calling me a coward. Your question is flawed and unfair to the real issues, but all you can do is keep repeating it until I answer again. This will be my last post in this thread UNLESS you give me an actual response that isn't you pointlessly asking me to answer the same question and proving me to me you aren't actually uneducated in the matter.


t1_j3k5gkw wrote

No I think Ive more or less made my point. I keep repeating myself because I only want to talk about the right to strike and you seem intent on ignoring my narrow focus for one and reframing my arguement in a way that I dont see as properly engaging with the central conflict. I dont care about blame, which you seem to think is the most 8mportant factor in this scenario. You can make arguements on both sides about blame and frankly it distracts from the central issue in the news of a strike that people my die. I can only describe you as delusional if you believe that a nurses strike wont cause more deaths than not stiking. I get the conditions are bad and my heart goes out but it is relatively straight forward math: 1 to 8 is better than 0 to 8. Like I pray you dont live in NYC because there is literally an overflow of patients in ERs and there are three deadly viruses floating around. Strikes are not necessarily one week affairs, they can last months and in the meantime that is an ER that is either understaffed or just completely inoperable. That means people are dead, and for myself I cant accept that.


t1_j3k7usa wrote

Option 2. I got news for you buddy, ppl are already dying cuz there arent enough nurses to to adequately staff pts. And with the way hospital administration runs healthcare like a business, there will soon be no nurses left in the hospital to care for the patients because we are getting tired and are looking for other jobs outside of the hospital. So stop trying to make it sound like nurses are the ones causing problems when it’s really the administration.

Also, you’re being overly dramatic when you say patients are going to die. Strike notice is given and elective surgeries and procedures are stopped. Patients can be transferred to other hospitals and then strike nurses are hired to take care of the patients in the hospital. It is not an ideal situation but the nurses are ultimately striking for better patient care.

I don’t expect you to understand, but if you have no idea what has been going on in the hospitals then don’t be so quick to judge.