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TheWhalersOnTheMoon t1_j3ms58d wrote

Honestly, for-profit and non-profit hospitals behave about the same (sure, the bottom line profits aren't distributed to shareholders or whatever, but the still ensure they are maximizing revenue). Look up the largest healthcare systems in each state, most of them are probably "non-profit" and still bringing in 10+ billion in revenues each year.


numba1cyberwarrior t1_j3msupt wrote

Revenue isn't profit, doing some napkin math you could prob seize every single penny from all the Mount Sinai executives and it wouldn't even pay for the raises that the employees are demanding.

Fact is that healthcare is expensive as shit.


TheWhalersOnTheMoon t1_j3mvjzx wrote

I know the difference, though not sure why that matters in this context? I'm just saying that the behavior of the two entities do not differ much - you'll find that some of the most expensive hospitals in the country are in fact non-profit (mostly due to their size). And yeah, no one can disagree with the fact that healthcare is expensive as shit in America.