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DapperBoiCole t1_j65b0bp wrote

Can we get a Fuck Robert Moses in the chat pls, ty


volkommm t1_j66iadx wrote

Huge W- this highway has promoted endless commerce and economic growth- at the cost of some random shit building in Red Hook. Big deal.


crowbahr t1_j674rnd wrote

Ah yes. New York was truly a city of poverty, meagerness and poor economic activity back before 1950. So starved for economic output because it didn't have low density roads running through the middle of it. All of new York was built after 1950 highways.

The stock exchange? Yep highways did that. Broadway Musicals? You guessed it: directly caused by the BQE.

The benighted city was lost and adrift. Nobody could live here, nobody could visit. No business was ever done in New York before semi trucks!!


BAWWWKKK t1_j687wkq wrote

Sides there are better ways then destroying mass amounts of residential land… aka one of the best Metros in the entire nation. If only we’d had one of those!

/s for those who can’t tell.


crowbahr t1_j68cbc3 wrote

Imagine if they had built the subway before the BQE. It's a real shame that the entire subway was built only in 1976. What could have been....


Pool_Shark t1_j68yqbo wrote

Before the 1950s we didn’t have most of our goods delivered by 18 wheelers either.

Not saying the highway was a good thing, but it’s more complex than you are making it out to be.


crowbahr t1_j68z73d wrote

Unrecoverable losses obviously. No possible way to change anything ever. We should continue to breath brakepads.


DapperBoiCole t1_j66pi68 wrote

At the cost of thousands of lower income immigrant and black neighborhoods, the BQE tore down mass transit systems that made it much easier for anyone to commute through Brooklyn. Your whole "Fuck the poors" act isn't giving what you think its giving

Just go collect your downvotes like you normally do


bklyn1977 t1_j66x13k wrote

The same low rise buildings is exactly what the people in this sub are targeting to raize. Difference is the 20 something transient residents think they are right


TheSpaceBetweenUs__ t1_j67qsmm wrote

No it didn't and if anything it was a net negative for the economy. Those neighborhoods would be providing much more economic benefit if they were still standing.

Though I guess for you fucking the economy is worth it if it fucks over black people


Pool_Shark t1_j68z5ri wrote

It’s an interesting point. The BQE is a pretty major part of shipping routes so I wonder how the lack of this highway would have effected this and surrounding areas.