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TeamMisha t1_j6a6s6o wrote

> The excuse can’t ways be NIMBYism, when eminent domain exist.

We can also look to how eminent domain worked for the Texas HSR project, eminent domain isn't quite the magic wand like it used to be. UK has had the same issues with HSR2. Costs and lawsuits balloon the project budget massively for land acquisition. Funnily enough for the Texas HSR, did you know that the project was sued to stop eminent domain cause they argued it wasn't "actually" a rail road? No project is safe lmao

> He argued that the company did not meet the statutory definition of a “railroad company” or an “interurban electric railway.”

The case STARTED in 2015 and was JUST finally settled after a state SC ruling. folks come up with all sorts of impediments to transit progress