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SerKikato t1_j5uzy4t wrote

To be honest, as a non-native, part of the mystique or culture shock to moving here was seeing the rust on steel and the grime on Century old tile. A lot of stations and buildings are like time machines into an entirely different era. There's history in those old bones.

But new constructions do stay new. Moynihan is 2 years old and looks just as clean as it did when it opened. Hudson Yards looks just as good as any Mall overseas.


DaoFerret t1_j5vao4d wrote

It’s part of why Star Wars pioneered a more “gritty” and realistic SciFi.

Technology always looks new when it first comes out, but it tends to show wear over time.

Most SciFi till then had kept everything sparkling and pretty. StarWars showed the wear of “old” technology, which leant an air of credibility and reality to it that earlier works didn’t have.