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chengslate OP t1_j5mphnz wrote

Think about it this way......literally the one of the best city in the world, can't maintain lights in the park..............Nor can they keep parks open after dark for a set amount of time.

Thou I could see the residential neighbors, and that being an issue. Like noise and or lighting.


Infused_Hippie t1_j5o5vbx wrote

I just commented about stuff but NO nyc parks are open past sunset and if they catch you in them as an adult older then 18 they will give you a ticket past a certain time 12+. They’ll give you warnings tho, freaking cops


mall_goth420 t1_j5q2mi0 wrote

Many parks are open well past sunset. Washington Square is open until midnight


Infused_Hippie t1_j5q56ln wrote

Midnight is ur cut off time before cops come


mall_goth420 t1_j5qe6vj wrote

Parks enforcement literally clocks out after they close where are you getting this from


Infused_Hippie t1_j5rcx0r wrote

Hey matt it’s matt, I’ve gotten a few tickets for this and known multiple people who have from real nypd cops and as well worked for parks and 20+ years in nyc. You ever seen cops give the homeless a ticket at 3 am for sleeping on a bench


StOlaf85 t1_j5odry5 wrote

Sorry I wasn’t clear. DOT maintains the security lights only for park walking paths. They don’t for anything else. NYC Parks would have to light the specific areas like skate parks but that would encourage people to use them after dark which is not something the city wants people to do. As the other commenter mentioned, a lot of bad activity would happen in the parks after dark if they were lit.