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elizabeth-cooper t1_j5wc4oa wrote

The previous Chief Actuary was from Ohio too. And this guy is from Connecticut. I don't feel any sympathy for him.


TekkDub t1_j5ykfu8 wrote

What? Craig grew up in Texas and went to Cal Tech before working in Boston. But he has been in NYC for at least 15 years.

Source: I know Craig


elizabeth-cooper t1_j5ylgtf wrote

According to his LinkedIn, his last job before here was in Connecticut. Either way, he joined city government in 2017 in a high position, was there nobody already in that office who could have been promoted instead of bringing him in from the outside?


TekkDub t1_j5yrqho wrote

You know it's possible to work for a company based in CT and live in NYC, right?


Rottimer t1_j646czk wrote

Importantly, the previous chief actuary was Asian. You’re going to have a hard time proving this was Asian bias. Maybe they’re homophobic and you can argue that. But the other guy also has political experience in addition to actuarial experience with city pensions. I’m guessing this has nothing to do with his sexual orientation and more to do with having someone that gets politics.