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4zem t1_j4qtt9z wrote

Dems, reps - all the same shit. Maybe I’m just jaded but I feel like these people are all a bunch of crooks. The system is just broken.

And don’t even get me started on our movie-star mayor.


York_Villain t1_j4r3tk5 wrote

You have a history of posting in extreme right wing subreddits. Democrats are not the same as republicans.


4zem t1_j4r4d1p wrote

Extreme right wing? Lmfao what?

And yes they are, the same shit with a different name. Keep slurping up that kool-aid kiddo, the government is not coming to save you or anyone else.


York_Villain t1_j4r4zis wrote

You visit /r/walkaway and /r/askthe_donald posting extreme right wing bullshit. So yes.


4zem t1_j4r65as wrote

Whatever you say, chief. Might wanna go get your meds changed soon as you can.


York_Villain t1_j4r6iv5 wrote

It's not what I say. It is a fact. You can try and insult me all you want, but that doesn't change the FACT that you visit and participate in extreme right wing subreddits. So when you say both sides are the same, not only are you wrong but you are being disingenuous.


4zem t1_j4r759q wrote

I’m supposed to navigate the Internet to your standards now? Sure, I use reddit but I’m supposed to tiptoe around every subreddit and know their EXACT political leanings? Get fucked, honestly. People like you is exactly what is wrong with the world. You’d gate-keep whatever you could, whenever you could, and what’s best is you allow your inclinations to serve as canon. So yeah, I’ve visited around particular subreddits like most people navigating this site - doesn’t mean what you say is true.

And yes. Both sides aim for the same goal. To rob the hard working man blind. What they accomplish in the interim may be different but the end goal is the same. Rob from the poor and give to the rich.


Evening_Presence_927 t1_j4s8nte wrote

No, but it’s very telling the connection between the places you visit and the garbage you spout.

> Both sides aim for the same goal. To rob the hard working man blind. What they accomplish in the interim may be different but the end goal is the same. Rob from the poor and give to the rich.

Lmao you’re trolling if you think the biggest investment in clean technology and clean industries ever doesn’t help the poor.
