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Professional_Mud_316 t1_j4duver wrote

A perception persists of migrants, and sometimes even refugees, as basically willfully and contently becoming permanent financial/resource burdens on their host nation.

There is so much unwarranted contempt for these people, yet so many are rightfully despondent, perhaps enough so to work very hard in cashless exchange for basic food and shelter.

And they do want to pull their own weight through employment, even if only to prove their detractors wrong.

Often conveniently ignored is the fact many are fleeing global-warming-related extreme weather events and chronic crop failures in the southern hemisphere widely believed to be related to the northern hemisphere’s chronic fossil-fuel burning, beginning with the Industrial Revolution.

Migrant laborers should be treated humanely, including timely access to proper work-related bodily protections, but too often are not.

If they feel they must, critics of such refugees/migrants should get angry at the politicians who supposedly allow in ‘too many’ migrants; but please don't criticize the desperate people for doing what we'd likely all do if in their dreadful position.

But then all that no longer matters when the migrants die in their attempt at arriving. Last winter a young family of four from India froze to death trying to access the U.S. via sub-zero southern Manitoba. And I wonder how many have died or will while trying to access Canada.
