Submitted by bilferjoij t3_11dq91l in personalfinance
Hi there. Looking for assistance on finance. Currently have around 5k in savings. Monthly income is around 1500 give or take a few. I have a car loan that is 17,210 and the pay off amount is 12,752.03. Current balance is 12,717.71. Interest rate is 4.690%. Should I pay more monthly than I already am? I currently pay 300 a month. 300 on credit card monthly but no over draft fees as I pay it off monthly. Only other bills I have are insurance and gas. Still live at home with my parents. Bad habit of spending money on my project car that I have since parked (not that it matters, but LS swapped iroc-z camaro). Have it in a car capsule so now it can sit for years and I can continue to save money and pay things off.
landmanpgh t1_jaa8axv wrote
Yeah there's only upside to paying off your car faster. If you're making $1500/month and basically paying around $900/month between your car payment, CC, and insurance/gas, there's no real downside to paying it off faster. Even a couple hundred a month extra will make a huge difference. Presumably, you have a safety net with your parents and don't need to worry about rent/food/etc., at least right now.
The other thing you can do, of course, is try to find something that gives you more hours or pays a little better.
Cool car.