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nozzery t1_ja97b1a wrote

Don't mistake the situation, you still are bad with money if you make $125k (plus whatever your wife makes) and you are scrambling trying to pay this off by rolling 0% offers. This is a valid strategy, but, it seems like you would be better served dedicating income to pay this off, or at least have that amount on the side earning 5% ready to pay off whenever you want, but if you're only putting 10k into your 401k, it doesn't seem like you've prepared to pay this off at all, ever. Dangerous


Finally_ OP t1_ja99bls wrote

10k this year, the 6yrs prior I was doing 100% contribution (18k -> 19k -> 20k, etc. as the years progressed). So my 401 is doing OK with roughly 180k in the account.

Yeah, I agree I am still bad with money. But I was way worse a few years ago so I'm trying to look at the current turnaround and have made major progress.