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opmeTK OP t1_ja56fin wrote

Yeah. No bad record, just living in the state with highest auto premiums. Haven’t had an accident since I got my license 11 years ago. I drove 50 miles a day to and from work so I wasn’t on low miles but I’m trying to find something closer to me. She is working, but we split payments based on how much we make. She will be helping me with taking over more payments but I cannot ask her to give me additional money for those debts


MrDozens t1_jaabqpy wrote

Does she know about this debt or is it hidden from her? Are you guys married? Im assuming even if you arent you’re living together you guys are practically married even if not legally married because of the child. If she doesnt know she should know about your debt you should tell her even if you guys keep separate accounts. Hiding debt isnt good. It doesnt matter if she’s making 10% RIO on the market when you’re paying back 20%. Overall together you’re both losing money. For rich and for poor, all that stuff.