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chickenlittle53 t1_j9vtjng wrote

Are you buying to keep a car long term nor no? For me, a car is legit just transportation. I can careless about the fancy shit and if saving money was the goal, then I wouldn't be buying a car known to be way more expensive than neccesary like a 4runner. Soon many cheaper cars out there that can get you wherever for cheaper just as nicely.

That's not a judgment on you personally, but just pointing out that ify our goal is to save money then you have to also consider what kind of car you're buying to begin with. There is no blanket answer per se. Trading in though is a guranteed money loser 99% of the time though when you're talking every few years especially.

I guess what I'm trying to day is, you're talking about being concerned about money while buying a more expensive car than is likely needed, considering constantly trading one in, and not keeping it until you actually need another car. All things that are the opposite of being concerned about maximizing money. Decide whether you're buying to save or buying to just buy again every few years. If the latter lease I guess(?). If the former think about cheaper cars that get the job done just fine and keep until the wheels fall off.

Had mine for the last 7 years and don't plan on selling any time soon. Was cheap and gets the job done.