Submitted by t3_11dw5y4 in personalfinance

Back in December a friend of mine sent me money claiming she wanted to test if her Venmo account was working. The money went through, so I sent the same amount back.

Skip forward to Feb, and I was sent an email by Venmo saying my “friend” filed a chargeback with her bank claiming she never maid the purchase. Initially she said that she had cancelled the dispute but has since ghosted me (so I’m assuming she filed the dispute). I sent Venmo all the proof but still lost the dispute and now I owe Venmo money.

Is there anyway I can get my money back? Should I get my bank involved?



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t1_jab623b wrote

How much money was it? If you proof (like emails or texts explaining what she did) you could try getting yhe police involved, maybe even the feds for wire fraud. Or if it's a smaller amount small claims court. If you know who she Banks with you could try talking to their fraud department as well.


OP t1_jab7c74 wrote

It’s only 60 bucks so I’m not too worried just very annoyed


t1_jac87ic wrote

Why didn't they "test" it with, like...$5?


OP t1_jadu7ql wrote

They were trying to buy something I guess and wanted to check?? Not sure, but I can’t believe I was that naive


t1_jab6or9 wrote

definitely small claims court. Even if it’s a small amount, the principal would make me sue