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Werewolfdad t1_jacrgrn wrote

> Is there anything I can do on my end to help put a stop to this? I'm salaried if that means anything.

Get your supervisor and their supervisor involved


unlistedname t1_jacrzvc wrote

I'd also consider having an accountant you hire go over the numbers. Either the payroll person is completely incompetent, or someone is playing weird games.


Win-With-Money t1_jacuh6a wrote

Have you reported this to your manager each time? If you have, then the first time could have been an honest mistake. The 2nd - 3rd time is weird. This has happened to my wife once each but it was corrected before the next pay period. They just did not pay us as much on the 2nd pay period because they overpaid on the first. The gross pay was the only thing affected.


I'd get your HR/payroll and supervisor in on this to make sure everyone understands and that you want to put a stop to this.


Outside-Term-429 t1_jacx3r2 wrote

I working the accounting dept but I don't go near payroll. Direct supervisor is the controller, my boss is the CFO. There is one other person here who does payroll, and I don't know what she actually does for that and if there is a distinction for how it's done between the commissioned positions and the salaried folk. My supervisor is the one who pointed the overpayment out this time (quietly, the other two times more people had the same thing happen to them). I'm trying to rope the execs in for this problem because I don't understand how my salary numbers physically changed in our systems.

It's not the end of the world that they're going to recoup the overpayment but, obviously, it shouldn't happen in the first/third place.


Win-With-Money t1_jacy3ir wrote

Yea first time can be chalked up as a simple human error. Something weird for it happening 3 times. I would just make sure you contact every one and keep records of your attempts to fix the situation. That's annoying but you are right, not the end of the world.


Capn_Flags t1_jactti0 wrote

This isn’t really helping, but in a couple retail jobs where I made commission if the customer returned the item the commission would come out of the current week’s check. Few rare exceptions. However at both jobs it was taken from gross. Just wanted to share to maybe help in any way. Cheers.


lovemoonsaults t1_jacwty3 wrote

They've got a number auto-generated into your line somewhere. This happened once but three times is incompetence in the payroll department. Of all the things you lay multiple sets of eyes on, it's payroll.

Unfortunately, there's not much to do here, other than continuing to remind them they keep screwing up, and it's a pain in your ass. There's no regulation that I'm aware of that helps out. Only underpaid is an issue, but they've got time baked into those regulations to fix errors as well, blah!