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Silent-Speech-232 t1_jeet0ey wrote

My credit is 688 because I do have a credit card keep it under 20% usage and always pay it off. I also had tool payments from being a mechanic which helped. My current car I got a 14%. I don’t have any expenses in utilities besides electric due to having a well. Which is around 150$. I don’t have a car payment anymore due to double payments but that was 480$ a month in double payments. My rent is 200 due to my mother living with me and splitting the rent ( she is not moving out because she couldn’t afford it ). Car insurance is 200$. Phone is 40$. Credit card is whatever I spend on it. 75$ on internet then just small things.


iamaweirdguy t1_jeevfhf wrote

With a 688 credit score you surely should be able to get a better rate than 13%.

How about putting a large down payment? Or looking for a cheaper car?


Puzzleheaded-Fun9481 t1_jef2l02 wrote

Do you need a car now? If not, given that you bought one a couple of years ago, I would keep the car you are driving and pay cash for something when you get to that point, and/or wait for interest rates to go down. There are other ways to build credit. You could get another credit card and pay it off every month. But if I were you, I would focus on building my savings and that includes saving for a car.