Submitted by xXGreco t3_126pva6 in personalfinance

Hi everyone, I am beyond frustrated with the situation that I am about to explain and would greatly appreciate some of your perspective. I will try to keep it as short as possible, but the context is important.

On January 6th, 2021, my wife and I decided to move away from the area we were living. In our home, we had a water bubbler that we leased from a water delivery company. When we made the decision to move, I called the company and informed them that I needed to close my account because we were moving out of the area. So far, no problems. I informed my (then) landlord that this company would be coming by to pick up their equipment and that they would just need to be let in to the apartment (which was also not an issue). Everything seems to have gone smoothly.

About 9-10 months later, I noticed individual charges on my bank account for small amounts (around $5.00 each) for the previous 3 consecutive months. I figured it was some type of clerical error. Not a huge deal, I called the company explained that I no longer use their service and cancelled my account 9 months prior. After looking into it and agreeing, they issued me a refund for the 3 charges. I ask them to just make sure that my account is closed correctly so I am not charged again, to which they said it was.

Fast-forward again to the start of 2022 (around February), I notice another random singular charge from the same company. Again, i call them and get it straightened out and am issued another refund. Once again, I ask them to find out why this has happened twice and to MAKE SURE my account is closed. Once again, I am reassured that my account is closed and it would not happen again. At this point, it is a bit annoying but the charges were small amounts and they did not give me a hard time when I called them so not a huge deal.

Fast-forward once again, to the summer of 2022. Here we go again, another charge. By now, I get extremely frustrated. I call them again (while on vacation with my family) and give them an ear full. I am once again issued a refund and an apology and sent on my way.

That brings us to now. Last week, i received a letter in the mail from a debt collector attempting to collect a debt in the amount of about $250.00 for this water company. I have not contacted them yet because I am trying to decide how to handle this. My wife and I are getting ready to build our home this summer and I am worried that this will hurt my credit and have an impact on our loan.

I am livid and do not know 1)why this continues to happen or 2)what the best way to handle this is. I would greatly appreciate some advice. Thanks in advance.



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KReddit934 t1_jea83li wrote

Do you have any evidence that the water bubbler was actually picked up?


xXGreco OP t1_jea91dq wrote

I thought of this as well but they confirmed that the equipment was picked up when I contacted them after being charged the first time. Also, the fact that they issued me a refund on 3 separate occasion should imply that I was charged in error (but perhaps I am wrong on that). The strange thing is the charges on my account are months and months apart. I feel like if they claim the equipment was not picked up, the charges should have continued monthly.


KReddit934 t1_jeab5ra wrote

Time to climb the corporate ladder with letters to the CEO? Or possibly get your Represetive's office to help??


EbagI t1_jeasyjt wrote

Yea, or a receipt, or a confirmation email, or an invoice

(I'm not saying you should have one, often they won't, unless asked. We are asking if you do, which you didn't answer lol)