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t1_itt13pz wrote

If you want to do that you better get a much better job- that's a very expensive hobby and doesn't include maintenance or a place to store the plane just fuel?


OP t1_itt25ki wrote

Agreed! That’s where my reduction in living expenses and instructing on the side come in. I also do make more than that but knocked it down to that for the a little more cushion too. My after tax income is not much less than that. I am also looking for a higher paying position. Very valid point! I haven’t done any of these things. Just kind of airing out the whole concept.

Yeah! So those operating costs factor in fuel, maintenance, hangar, etc. And those expenses are based on a friend who owns the same aircraft.


t1_itt3cp9 wrote

Have you considered just paying the friend to rent his plane? It seems like you income would need to at least double for the purchase to make any sense


OP t1_itt647z wrote

I definitely would if I could. He lives in a different part of the country and it’s also not legally allowed to rent this particular type of aircraft, unfortunately. Ya think double?