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kylejack t1_iuj2cxf wrote

740+ will qualify you for all the best rates, so congratulations, you've reached the promised land!

Yes, credit utilization is one of the most powerful factors, so pay it off.


AndrewPhilip619 OP t1_iuj2ius wrote

Oh yeah it’s nice, but I was just randomly curious how people got to the 850 perfection. Maybe they have a longer credit history than I do as well


kylejack t1_iuj2qm4 wrote

Longer history, more diversity of accounts, could be any number of things.


DeluxeXL t1_iuj3nk0 wrote

It's only 850 on one FICO model, not all of them. I was at 850 with FICO 8 at one point, but 760 on FICO 2.

Time (length of payment history and age of accounts) is the most important factor. For the 1-2 months before you apply for new credit, you can also practice AZEO:

> AZEO is not something you have to do every month. Only in the run up to when you need your credit score to be its highest, e.g. in the 40 days before you apply for a loan or a card.