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AndrewPhilip619 OP t1_iuj548d wrote

Yeah 850 isn’t something I’m striving to get I’m fine in my upper 700’s, but curious to see how people even got to the 800’s to begin with. Thanks for your info it was very insightful on how you got to your score. This whole credit thing I find fascinating lol


micha8st t1_iuj5mh4 wrote

by the way... back in May (April?) I deliberately pushed my utilization over 30%. Temporarily my score dropped to 783, but it bounced back over 800 reasonably quickly.


AndrewPhilip619 OP t1_iuj61vu wrote

My utilization rate today is at 15 percent I just checked on Experian. Not bad. You know what my greatest fear about this whole Credit thing is? Someone steals my info on the dark web and gets a card in my name and maxes it out. Now I have Lifelock and other credit monitoring to watch out for this, so I feel somewhat secure about it