Submitted by t3_yhzjt5 in personalfinance

A card was opened in my name for a certain blue polo shirt electronics store. I called and told them that this was not me, and was told they would investigate the issue.

About a month later, I am now getting letters saying they investigated and decided I am responsible for this card and the $3,000 spent on it.

I am lost and would love any advice on what I can do from here. I cannot afford $3,000 or a ruined credit score. This is in the US



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t1_iugiv94 wrote

Before you do anything else freeze your credit report.

Note: everyone should freeze their credit report, no reason not to.


t1_iugifdp wrote

Have you gone to the store and discussed in person? Calling may be insufficient.

You need them to provide in writing all details as to the purchase investigation and decision, to start.

Be aware that the person you interact with will have no personal involvement with or responsibility for what’s happened.


t1_iugjcrl wrote

Then after freezing credit. File a police report for identity theft and credit card fraud. Online or in person at the jurisdiction where you live at. Visit for other useful info.


t1_iugkk2g wrote

As the other posts here said, freeze the card, file the police report them contact every single credit bureau in the states and freeze your credit. You'll basically have to give permission for any future line of credit requests so that If someone tries to open another line of credit under your name it won't go through. And lastly I know you said you don't want to ruin your credit score but if I were you I'd let that go to collections and then settle for a fraction of the cost. (Never pay full price for collections). Or you can go through the benefits of your credit cards or bank account you have and see if they offer some sort of protection against identity theft. Hope this was somewhat helpful and good luck.


t1_iugt4nx wrote

Which card company? Did they provide evidence it was you that bought stuff? Any appeals option?

And did you report it as "fraud"...that different than challenging a transaction. In the first, you are saying I was not the person who placed that order...someone stole my identity. In the second you are saying I didn't get what I paid for. Make sure the CC is investigating for "fraud."


t1_iugz5ne wrote

File a police report. Call and ask to speak to the fraud dept and give them the police report number. File a cfpb complaint,


t1_iuhycss wrote

File a police report.

Restart the fraud claim with the police report.