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t1_iujb2d4 wrote

First off examine the renter's rights in your state. Just because the landlord says he'll evict you doesn't mean you immediately have to leave the premises or that it's even legal to evict you on one missed payment. Be upfront with him, tell him what happened and tell him you will get the rent to him as soon as possible. As a sign of good faith give him as much a portion of the rent as you can even if it's just $100. Just note that it will be unpleasant and difficult for him to get you evicted by force and more in his interest to work with you to resolve this without legal issues.

Secondly, take stock of what you own and can sell. Go to Facebook marketplace and list anything of value for cash and carry. Mercari also has Mercari Local as does eBay. This will save on shipping and get the cash to you faster. People will just buy just about anything including used clothing, appliances, furniture, anything you have someone will probably be interested in buying if the price is low enough. Even a pair of old sneakers can be sold.

Ask your friends for a helping hand. I'm sure they know your situation and what happened and perhaps they can help you out even if it's just $5 at a time. If they can't give you any cash ask them if they're getting rid of anything that you can sell, even splitting some of the commission with them. Also ask them if there's any day work they can find for you that pays cash upon completion

Look around and ask around for day work. Lawn mowing, manual labor, painting, small repair work, there are people looking and willing to throw you some money for small jobs.

tl;dr make a payment arrangement with the landlord, sell everything and anything you own, hit up your friends for either cash or items for you to sell, look for day labor work.