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kangaroo312 t1_iuk5a5w wrote

NPR has a monthly series called “Bill of the Month” where they do a deep dive on a surprising medical bill. If you’re looking to learn more about navigating our bull shit healthcare billing system, I highly recommend it. The article is usually about 50% the story in particular and 50% “what you can do”/tips and tricks. I hate it yet it’s so good.

One particularly egregious article was on someone who was bitten by an animal and went to the nearest ER for a rabies shot. They overcharged them a TON and the “what you can do” section of the article was basically “welp, you HAVE to get rabies vaccine ASAP so you can’t cost compare ahead of time and you are supposed to go to the nearest provider as soon as possible.”

My take home message is for a dumb bill to get resolved, you always to get a journalist to cover the story and shame them…but only like <1% of people can do that…