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Jaded_Cryptographer t1_iujt5qd wrote

Paying it is the best course of action.

You haven't provided enough information to offer any other solution.


MellyMel86 t1_iujuf0l wrote

Start off with a budget. You need to know where you are to know where you’re going


Fearless_Hedgehog_21 t1_iuk41cz wrote

Get a weekend part-time job to help cover the expenses and get everything paid off. Work with a financial advisor and make a budget. There’s a ton of resources that you can use on social media or just googling it. Dave Ramsey does the avalanche/snowball method. I don’t agree with everything he says to do but it’s a decent place to start.


Purplekeyboard t1_iuk4my5 wrote

Stop borrowing money. Stop spending more than you make. Spend less than you make, and pay off the debt.