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kelllymac t1_iyc4c9t wrote

Yes, in my experience, exactly this. I have done this a couple times. The first time, I scheduled a meeting with my boss about a month before I knew they would be having annual raise discussions and told her I loved my job and needed to make more money. Also came prepared with examples of ways I've gone above and beyond. Did the same a year later with a new boss at my annual review (our performance reviews are at the end of the year and they don't make new budget decisions until after the first of the year, so it was strategic), gave examples of my great performance and directly asked to be considered for a larger pay increase. YMMV, obviously, but second boss told me over drinks that I was like a case study in asking for raises. Got around 12% + okay bonus each time. I work in admin/operations for a large law firm.

Edit to add: beforehand, my therapist recommended I look at it as a request, not a demand. It made a world of difference in how I approached the conversation.