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mistermephist0 t1_iy9j6vu wrote

You make enough after the expenses you listed to clear your debt. Not in a timely manner but eventually. Please please check the wiki and help articles for budgeting. You need to do it.

Where do you order your fast food from? You go into the restaurant and order? or Doordash/UberEats, etc? Your food at home doesn't taste good because you probably don't know how to cook lol. Watch a cooking show to get you into a mood where you want to try cooking. Then go to the grocery store and do it. Experiment with spices.

Same question for shopping? Where do you do it? Directly on the store website? Via Instagram? It sounds like you have a problem where your mind goes to shopping when it is at rest. Is this true?

If so, when you want to shop for things you do not need, you will have to make yourself go to the grocery store and buy groceries. Obviously this will take your mind off of the mindless shopping you do. Come home and cook whatever you bought (not all of it obviously, maybe a few meals). Just make sure you cook before it goes bad obviously.