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PetraLoseIt t1_j2eiifm wrote

That's a nice low interest rate, so I would not pay those student loans down quicker than necessary.

I would put in enough in your workplace's 401k to get the maximum match if despite the move you plan to continue to work for this company. If not, then I would not raise your investments until you've moved and settled.

I would then also start saving in ernst for your move in the fall. Moves generally cost money, you don't have a lot in savings just yet, so go go go.


ausb781 OP t1_j2end97 wrote

Totally agree I don’t have anywhere enough saved to move, especially given inflation. My saving account has a higher interest rate(close to 0.5% higher) than the private loan.

It’s up in the air if I’ll stay with this company, but I think another two years is unlikely. I’m not even sure if they’ll allow me to stay on remote as I currently work hybrid.

Is 3% a good amount to save despite not getting the match?


PetraLoseIt t1_j2f88j0 wrote

I would consider saving 0% in the 401k right now, but saving A LOT in your savings account for the move. But then after the move you should start putting in 10%.