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lost_girl_2019 OP t1_j2db6vh wrote

Since this is all pretty new to me, a lot about your comment is confusing me. I am mid-30's, no children, no possibility of children and have a Master's degree, so no plans to further my education. Most of my money in my early part of my career went to help support my disabled parent.


wolf8sheep t1_j2e2r9l wrote

The new 529 rules can still benefit you because up to $35,000 can be converted to a roth account if the 529 has been opened with you as the beneficiary for 15 years. So it is worth looking into.

Depends too what the goal is and if it is for retirement or just to learn how to trade single stocks or learning your greeks to options trade. If that’s the goal then I’d recommend the think or swim app by TD Ameritrade and start with paper trading which is playing around with fake money to learn by trial and error.