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12thMemory t1_j26pwqi wrote

Again, what are you spending that money on? You need food to eat but what are those other incidentals you acquiring for $200 a month? If it is things you want, are you planning on taking them with you to another county or will you need to find a way to get rid of it before you leave? If you don’t plan of taking it with you, don’t buy it.

The reality is you probably already own everything you will need for the next six months. The things you don’t have (but have need of) can probably be borrowed from family, friends, or nice neighbors. If you simply want it, then skip it.


billsjets t1_j27dv7k wrote

Depends on what it’s for. My budget has about $70/p for misc house products. Toilet paper, paper towels, soap, cleaning product, toothpaste, floss, etc etc.

Could be that.