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_izari_ t1_j2ee3c3 wrote

Curious about if I could be smarter about my emergency fund.

I currently have ~8 months in my long-term savings account as emergency money that would cover my absolute needs, high priority wants, + about $200 of flex cash / mo. That could be stretched to 10-11mo if I shaved off the P1 wants and flex cash. This was calculated at 45% of my salary for needs.

I was building towards 12 months before I would consider this set.

I'm wondering if now would be a good stopping point to start putting that money elsewhere.

Few points - I have a very low rent because I'm doing the digital nomad thing and paying very little rooms with f/f when I move around. At some point, I do expect to find my own place. I am hoping to wait it out for rent prices to drop (we'll see) but this cost would likely triple once that happens.

I am also working towards trying to find a better job. I make a dismal salary for my experience and am aiming to jump 20-30k for my next position.

Both of these though are hypothetical and do not apply to me right now.

I have no debt, and I am not yet edible for 401k match through my new job but am putting 3% into it.

I am trying to figure assuming this is my next year, should I keep building towards 12 months or start investing or moving that money? I have a few pricer short-term wants (a nice vacation and some cosmetic stuff) that I've been trickling cash into budget-wise that I'm wondering if I could fully fund more quickly.

Just looking for some outside opinions on this? I'm 37/USA so I'm thinking it's time to really think about planning for retirement as well.


meamemg t1_j2f3ryx wrote

At 37, I’d be looking strongly at prioritizing retirement. But a lot also depends on how stable your job is. Take a look at the prime directive in the wiki in the sidebar.